What is Bioesthetics?
Bioesthetic dentistry aims to replicate the form and function found in natural teeth.
The three main pillars necessary for a lasting, healthy, comfortable and beautiful smile and bite are:
- Stable jaw joint position:
Priority in bioesthetic, which is sadly ignored many times in traditional dentistry.
- The correct relationship between superior and inferior teeth:
Fundamental for the brain to perceive and direct mandibular muscles to close the jaw in a soft and precise manner, without grinding. This combined with a stable jaw joint position will help eliminate headaches and relax neck, head and face muscles, resulting in a rejuvenating transformation of face and eyes.
- Natural teeth form:
The normal anatomy of teeth grants great masticatory efficiency, comfort, and stability.
Cranio Cervico Mandibular Multidisciplinary Stabilization
In order to achieve a stable jaw joint position, the problem should be treated from a global point of view. This is the reason why we work together with physical therapy to be able to systemically stabilize our patients before treatment. The mouth is a unit within a system, and therefore, its treatment must consider the rest of the body.
Clinical cases
More than 300 cases conducted under the principles of Bioesthetics support our experience.
Through an objective assessment of the various aspects of the masticatory system of the patients and their facial structures, including expressions, eyes and posture, the dentist and dental laboratory technician were able to provide patients with high aesthetic and functional restorations according to well-established principles of Bioesthetic dentistry. Thanks to the realization of an appropriate evaluation, diagnosis protocols, and the establishment of a multidisciplinary approach, global harmony was achieved between the teeth and the patient’s appearance. Resetting a consistent relationship between the anterior and posterior dentition, the joint, and the neuromuscular system, proper functioning reconstructions were achieved and therefore long-lasting.














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A better life starts with a beautiful smile.